Orcid id: 0000-0002-3357-0590 Scopus ID: 54880587300
2012 defended of title Assistant Professor, Dr.sc.ing. Ph.D. in information technologies (Thesis title: “Stoichiometric model development and analysis procedures for metabolic engineering”)
2006– 2009 Faculty of Information Technologies, Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, Liela street 2, Jelgava LLU ITF – doctoral studies
2004 – 2006 Faculty of Information Technologies, Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, Liela street 2, Jelgava LLU ITF – Mg.sc.ing. Master degree in information technologies
2000 – 2004 Faculty of Information Technologies, Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, Liela street 2, Jelgava, Mg.sc.ing. Master degree in information technologies
2018. – Head of the Department in Department of Control Systems, Faculty of Information Technologies, Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, Liela street 2, Jelgava, LV-3001
2016.-Senior researcher in Department of Control Systems, Faculty of Information Technologies, Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, Liela street 2, Jelgava, LV-3001
2013.-Assistant professor in Department of Control Systems, Faculty of Information Technologies, Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, Liela street 2, Jelgava, LV-3001
2013.- Guest assistant professor in Department of Computer Systems, Faculty of Information Technologies, Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, Liela street 2, Jelgava, LV-3001
2014.–2016. Researcher in scientific project No. 2014/94, Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, Liela street 2, Jelgava, LV-3001
2014.–2015. Senior researcher in Institute of Microbiology and Biotechnology, University of Latvia
2009.–2012. Researcher in LLU unit EF3/APIA/VIAA-128, Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, Liela street 2, Jelgava, LV-3001
2007.–2009. Project Manager LLU unit LLP-LdV/TOI/2007/LV/009, Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, Liela street 2, Jelgava, LV-30012008.–2009. Guest lecturer-assistant
2008.–2009. Department of Computer Systems, Faculty of Information Technologies, Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, Liela street 2, Jelgava, LV-3001
- Grausa, K, Mozga, I., Pleiko K., Pentjuss A., (2022) ‘Integrative Gene Expression and Metabolic Analysis Tool IgemRNA’, Biomolecules, 12(4), p. 586. https://doi: 10.3390/biom12040586
- Avisans R., Mozga I. (2019) Towards open data: issues of data disclosure in Latvia. 14th International scientific conference “Students on their way to science”: collection of abstracts, p 32. ISSN 2255-9566.
- Gailis A., Mozga I. (2019) Detecting and blocking of unwanted domain name system records to prevent tracking and improve security on local computer networks. 14th International scientific conference “Students on their way to science”: collection of abstracts, p 35. ISSN 2255-9566.
- Augustine J., Mozga I. (2018) Advanced e-learning system. 13th International scientific conference “Students on their way to science”: collection of abstracts, p 55. ISSN 2255-9566.
- Ikarts I., Mozga I. (2018) Traditional weather forecasting comparison and assessment with real weather conditions. 13th International scientific conference “Students on their way to science”: collection of abstracts, p 60. ISSN 2255-9566.
- Brūns M., Mozga I. (2018) Development of tools for cellular data network simulation. 13th International scientific conference “Students on their way to science”: collection of abstracts, p 57. ISSN 2255-9566.
- Dominic S.C., Mozga I. (2018) Utilising mobile technology for learning vet anatomy. 13th International scientific conference “Students on their way to science”: collection of abstracts, p 58. ISSN 2255-9566.
- Bumanis N., Vitols G., Arhipova I., Mozga I. (2017) Mobile ticket lifecycle management: case study of public transport in Latvia. Proceedings of the 16th International Scientific Conference “Engineering for rural development”, Volume 16, pp. 82-87. doi: 10.22616/ERDev2017.16.N015
- Pentjuss, A., Stalidzans, E., Liepins, J., Kokina, A., Martynova, J., Zikmanis, P., Mozga, I., Scherbaka, R., Hartman, H., Poolman, M.G., Fell, D.A., Vigants, A. (2017) Model-based biotechnological potential analysis of Kluyveromyces marxianus central metabolism. J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol Vol. 44(8): 1177-1190. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10295-017-1946-8
- Rivza, P., Mozga, I., Berzina, L. Development of a dynamic modelling tool for agricultural production projections in relation to GHG mitigation measures (2017) Vide. Tehnologija. Resursi – Environment, Technology, Resources, 2, pp. 143-146. doi: 10.17770/etr2017vol2.2588
- Stalidzans E., Mozga I., Sulins J., Zikmanis P. (2017) Search for a minimal set of parameters by assessing the total optimisation potential for a dynamic model of a biochemical network. ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. Vol.14(4): 978-985.
doi: 10.1109/TCBB.2016.2550451 - Rivza P., Berzina L., Mozga I., Lauva D. (2015) Long-term forecasting of agricultural indicators and GHG emissions in Latvia. Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists Riga : NJF Latvia, 2015. p.281-286
- Mozga I, Stalidzans E. (2014) Reduction of Combinatorial Space of Adjustable Kinetic Parameters of Biochemical Network Models in Optimisation Task. Baltic J. Modern Computing; Vol. 2(3):150–159.
- Mozga I. (2013) Determinition of best set of adjustable parameters with full search and limited search method. Biosystems and Information Technology,
2: 11-14, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.11592/bit.130503 - Kostromins A., Mozga I., Stalidzans E. (2012) ConvAn: a convergence analyzing tool for optimization of biochemical networks. Biosystems, Volume 108, Issues 1–3, 2012, pp 73-77, ISSN 0303-2647. doi: 10.1016/j.biosystems.2011.12.004
- Mozga I., Stalidzans E. (2011) Convergence Dynamics of Biochemical Models To The Global Optimum, 3rd IEEE International Conference on e-Health and Bioengineering, EHB 2011 – Proceedings, p. 227-230.
- Mozga I., Stalidzans E. (2011) Convergence Dynamics of Biochemical Pathway Steady State Stochastic Global Optimization, 12th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics, CINTI 2011 – Proceedings, p. 231-235. doi: 10.1109/CINTI.2011.6108504
- Mozga I., Stalidzans E. (2011) Optimization protocol of biochemical networks for effective collaboration between industry representatives, biologists and modellers. 9th Annual Industrial Simulation Conference “ISC’2011”, p. 91 – 96.
- Mozga I., Kostromins A., Stalidzans E. (2011) Forecast of numerical optimization progress of biochemical networks. 10th International Scientific Conference „Engineering for rural development”, p. 103 – 108.
- Mozga I., Grunde-Zeiferts U., Sudars S., Stalidzans E. (2007) Life Cycles and Competition in Modelling of Artificial and Biological Control System. The European Simulation and Modelling Conference, p. 533-536.
- Mozga I., Stalidzāns E. (2007) Application of dynamic models of glycolysis developing control system. 6th International Scientific Conference „Engineering for Rural Development”. p. 119 – 123.
- Avisans R., Mozga I. Towards open data: issues of data disclosure in Latvia.14th International scientific conference “Students on their way to science”, Latvia University of Life Science and Technologies. Jelgava, Latvia, 2019.
- Gailis A., Mozga I. Detecting and blocking of unwanted domain name system records to prevent tracking and improve security on local computer networks. 14th International scientific conference “Students on their way to science”, Latvia University of Life Science and Technologies. Jelgava, Latvia, 2019.
- Augustine J., Mozga I. Advanced e-learning system. 13th International scientific conference “Students on their way to science”, Latvia University of Life Science and Technologies. Jelgava, Latvia, April 20, 2018.
- Ikarts I., Mozga I. Traditional weather forecasting comparison and assessment with real weather conditions. 13th International scientific conference “Students on their way to science”, Latvia University of Life Science and Technologies. Jelgava, Latvia, April 20, 2018.
- Bruns M., Mozga I. Development of tools for cellular data network simulation.13th International scientific conference “Students on their way to science”, Latvia University of Life Science and Technologies. Jelgava, Latvia, April 20, 2018.
- Dominic S.C., Mozga I. Utilising mobile technology for learning vet anatomy. 13th International scientific conference “Students on their way to science”, Latvia University of Life Science and Technologies. Jelgava, Latvia, April 20, 2018.
- Rivza, P., Mozga, I., Berzina, L. Development of a dynamic modelling tool for agricultural production projections in relation to GHG mitigation measures. 11th International Scientific Practical Conference “Vide. Tehnologija. Resursi – Environment, Technology, Resources”, Rezekne Academy of Technologies, Rezekne, Latvia, June 15 – 17, 2017.
- Bumanis N., Vitols G., Arhipova I., Mozga I. Mobile ticket lifecycle management: case study of public transport in Latvia. 16th International Scientific Conference “Engineering for rural development”, Latvia University of Agriculture, Jelgava, Latvia, 24-26 May, 2017.
- Mozga I. Managing the Study Programme Information Technology for Sustainable Development, BUP Teachers Conference on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) “Engaging higher education in local and global challenges”, Rogów, Poland,
- 23-26 October 2016.
- Rivza P., Berzina L., Mozga I., Lauva D. Dynamic modeling of activity data for GHG emission projections from agricultural sector in Latvia. 4th International Conference of System Modeling and Optimization, Nice, France, February 18 – 19, 2016.
- Rivza P., Berzina L., Mozga I., Lauva D. Long-term forecasting of agricultural indicators and GHG emissions in Latvia. Nordic view to sustainable rural development : proceedings of the 25th NJF Congress, Riga, Latvia, 16th-18th of June, 2015
- Bulipopa N., Mozga I., Stalidzans E., Variability of convergence duration optimizing dynamic biochemical networks, 1st Congress of Blatic Microbiologists, CBM 2012, Riga, Latvia, October 31 – November 4, 2012.
- Mozga I., Stalidzans E. Convergence Dynamics of Biochemical Models To The Global Optimum, 3rd IEEE International Conference on e-Health and Bioengineering, EHB2011, Iasi, Romania, 24-26 November, 2011.
- Mozga I., Stalidzans E. Convergence Dynamics of Biochemical Pathway Steady State Stochastic Global Optimization. 12th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics, CINTI 2011, Budapest, Hungary, 21-22 November, 2011.
- Mozga I., Stalidzans E., Optimization protocol of biochemical networks for effective collaboration between industry representatives, biologists and modellers. The Industrial Simulation Conference 2011, Venice, Italy, 6 – 8 June, 2011.
- Mozga I., Kostromins A., Stalidzans E., Forecast of numerical optimization progress of biochemical networks. 10th International Scientific Conference „Engineering for rural development”, Jelgava, Latvia, 26 – 27 May, 2011.
- Mozga I., Stalidzans E., Computational optimisation of enzyme concentrations . Systems Biochemistry – Linked Focused Meeting, University of York, York, UK, 22 – 24 March, 2010.
- Lagzdina L., Mozga I., Stalidzans E., Algorithm for bioethanol yield optimisation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Glycolysis using Copasi. Summer school on systems biology for medical applications, held in Tenerife, Spain, September 30 – October 2, 2008.
- Brusbardis V., Stalidzans E., Mozga I. Biological and artificial control systems as competitors. Summer school on systems biology for medical applications, held in Tenerife, Spain, September 30 – October 2, 2008.
- Lagzdina L., Mozga I., Stalidzans E., Algorithm for bioethanol yield optimisation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae glycolysis using ‘COPASI. International scientific conference “Applied Information and Communication Technologies”, Jelgava, Latvia, 10 – 12 April, 2008.
- Mozga I., Grunde-Zeiferts U., Sudars S., Stalidzans E. Life Cycles and Competition in Modelling of Artificial and Biological Control System. The European Simulation and Modelling Conference 2007, St.Julian’s, Malta, 22 – 24 October, 2007.
- Mozga I., Stalidzans E., Metabolic Control Analysis tools in SBML modelling software. NJF seminar „Modelling in Agriculture”, 18-20 October, 2007., Jelgava, Latvia.
- Mozga I., Grunde-Zeiferts U., Stalidzāns E. Glycolysis control modeling using Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) software. Parnumaa, Estonia. 26.-30. August 2007
- Mozga I., Stalidzāns E. Application of dynamic models of glycolysis developing control system. Jelgava, Latvia. 24.-25. May 2007.
- Mozga I., Acquisition methods of SBML biomodels elements on the Internet. Jelgava, Latvia. 16.-18. May 2007
- Mozga I., Stalidzāns E. Control oriented dynamic modelling of biological object. Kaunas, Lithuania. 24-25 November 2006.
- Grunde-Zeiferts U., Mozga I., Žukova T., Stalidzāns E. Terapijas modelēšana apvienojot sistēmbioloģijas un automātiskās vadības teorijas metodes. Jelgava, Latvia. 10-th November 2006.
- Mozga I., Stalidzāns E. Acquisition of dynamic parameters of biological process from experimental data. Jelgava, Latvia. 19.-20. October 2006.
Latvian – native
English – working professional
Russian – limited working