Application of systems biology approach is applied to improve the biotechnological process to improve inulin containing substrate conversion into ethanol using unconventional yeast Kluyveromyces marxianus

Project No. 2DP/, LU Nr. ESS2014/171
Source of funding: ERDF
Project period: 01.08.2014. – 31.08.2015
Total budget: 220 000 EUR
Project coordinator: Senior researcher, Dr.sc.ing. Armands Vigants, Armands.Vigants@lu.lv
Project participant from group: Senior researcher, Dr.sc.ing. Agris Pentjuss, agris.pentjuss@lu.lv
Pentjuss, A., Stalidzans, E., Liepins, J., Kokina, A., Martynova, J., Zikmanis, P., Mozga, I., Scherbaka, R., Hartman, H., Poolman, M. G., Fell, D. A., & Vigants, A. (2017). Model-based biotechnological potential analysis of Kluyveromyces marxianus central metabolism. Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, 44(8). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10295-017-1946-8